Guides and Toolkits

Below are some of the educational and support guides and toolkits that we’ve been a part of creating.

 Welfare & Wellbeing Guide

  • The NWG and Kyniska Advocacy have come together to create a comprehensive, holistically approached, Wellbeing & Welfare toolkit. This resource is about creating cultural change through organisation-wide education on wellbeing and welfare in sport. 

    This resource is about creating cultural change through organisation-wide education on wellbeing and welfare in sport. This resource is primarily for practitioners; coaches, welfare officers and safeguarding leads, and others with positions of responsibility but should be accessible to all participants in all sports. This guide is not designed to focus on either adults or children specifically, but rather takes a human-rights based approach to fostering safe and sustainable experiences in sport.

    This toolkit sets a ‘gold standard’ reference for how to approach and tackle abuse in sport; how to spot it, prevent it, and support those who are affected by it. This toolkit is equally accessible to all sports, ensuring coherency and consistency in welfare and wellbeing practices across sports in England.

Guide to disciplinary processes

  • Our guide to help you advocate for your rights and understand what disciplinary procedures can look like

    What to expect:

    • Guiding Principles: The guide emphasises empathy, safety, and empowerment. We strongly believe that the disciplinary process should not re-traumatise individuals and that participants should feel secure and respected.

    • Understanding Trauma: It provides an overview of what trauma is, its impact on individuals, and how traumatic experiences can affect emotional, cognitive, physical, and behavioural aspects of a person’s life.

    • Disciplinary Procedures: The guide outlines the principles of fairness, transparency, and impartiality, that should inform disciplinary procedures to ensure that all parties are treated equitably and that the process is clear and unbiased.

    • Support and Preparation: It highlights the importance of emotional and practical support during the process, preparation tips for giving evidence, and you right to advocate for amenities to help manage stress and anxiety during disciplinary proceedings.

Scottish Student Sports Guide 

  • Kyniska Advocacy and Sottish Student Sport (SSS) have come together to create a comprehensive, holistically approached, Wellbeing & Welfare guide for students at higher education institutions across Scotland. This resource is about creating cultural change through organisation-wide education on wellbeing and welfare in student sport.

    This resource is primarily for students, from participants to coaches, welfare and wellbeing leads to committee members, but should be accessible to everyone involved in all aspects of student sport.

Athletics Welfare Toolkit

  • Our guide to help you navigate the welfare and safeguarding systems in the sport of athletics.

    What to expect:

    • Learn some key behaviours in the coach-athlete relationship that are considered abusive.

    • Read about the steps in the reporting process in athletics.

    • Find out who your designated welfare officers in the all of the athletics' national governing bodies in the UK.

    • Get links to useful resources & helplines