Advocacy Insights
Written by people in sport, for sportspeople.
Our writers are from all areas of the world of sport who are willing to share their stories, experiences, adventures, triumphs, tribulations and heartbreak in sport.
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Our Writers

“I knew he was dodgy”. A Case for Mandatory Reporting in Sport

The Cost of Lived Experience: Why Survivors Must Be Paid for Their Expertise

Light the Night: Reclaiming Our Streets Together

Kyniska Advocacy, Sport & Rights Alliance Athlete Network and The Army of Survivors Call for Action

Kyniska Advocacy and Gymnasts for Change Stand United.

A letter to future athletes

Campaigning is hard

Glasgow FrontRunners is my home, they are my friends, they are my family.
For me, the main reason I run is for the community and sense of belonging that it brings. This is something that I have found in many places during my time within the sport, but nowhere more so than in Glasgow FrontRunners (GFR).

My busy, worrying mind makes me who I am
I look back with a sense of sadness at what could have been if someone had sat me down and tried to understand me. I was left wondering what I had done wrong and what I could have done differently. I was left trying to change myself. I was left punishing myself for who I was.

Marathon running won’t stop the world’s atrocities against women, but it can inspire ordinary people to extraordinary things.

It would be fair to say that sport has an eating disorder problem…

It’s not ok. Not now, not before, not ever.

The Euros: a landmark moment for women’s sport

Clinging on to my starry-eyed version of London 2012: Why we need to sort out sport’s toxic culture for future generations

From Frustration to Inspiration: A year of Kyniska Advocacy
If Only I Knew

Eating Disorder Awareness Week Guest Blog: Jessica Robson

How healthy is our relationship with exercise?

Policing Our Bodies: Unattainable Beauty Standards in Society and Sport