Support Service

We know how daunting making a complaint can be.

We know how it feels to fear not being believed.

We know how it feels to live through sexual violence, and other forms of abuse in sport.

Kyniska Advocacy is by sportspeople for sportspeople. We’re here to help.

We provide athlete-led, confidential, support for anyone in sports experiencing abuse in sport.


Call or Text Us: +447484223284


Athlete A

“I felt that I was valid in what I was saying, whereas I otherwise might have felt that I was overreacting to a situation.”

Athlete B

Athlete C

“Kyniska made me feel supported and more confident in my decision to report.”

Athlete B

“Kyniska made me feel heard and supported.”

Are you currently struggling with the aftermath of a traumatic event? Are you feeling lost, isolated, or alone in your struggle? You don't have to go through this tough time alone. Our Support Services have been created to offer you the essential tools and resources you need.

Our team is here to support you every step of the way. We offer a wide range of services, including one-on-one emotional support, connecting you with legal advice, and support through reporting and campaigning, all tailored to meet your specific needs.

Over the past 3 years, we’ve supported over 32 athletes from 9 different sports.


  • The team at Kyniska Advocacy are not trained therapists or counsellors and we are therefore unable to provide you with therapy or counselling, nor can we represent you legally. We are not able to provide emergency assistance to women who are experiencing, or at risk of experiencing, abuse within sport.

    Kyniska Advocacy offers free emotional support for women in sport. Whilst our service is confidential, no matter how you contact us, there are certain circumstances where we may need to break that confidentiality (for example, where there is serious risk of harm to you or others, if you disclose anything which relates to an individual under the age of 18, or if we need to comply with any legal obligations to share information). If appropriate, we will inform you that we are going to do this.

  • If you want to speak to our volunteer support team, confidentially, we can help with the following:

    Offer an ear to listen to your concerns and talk through your experiences.

    Discuss your options and avenues based on our lived experience and knowledge of the reporting systems in different sports in the UK.

    Support you through your journey of reporting by speaking on the phone, having regular check-ins at agreed times, by speaking to National Governing Bodies (NGBs) on your behalf if you feel intimidated by initial contact, authentically representing your voice, and advocating for you.

    Signpost you to resources for mental health support, legal advice and organisations which specialise in sexual, physical, emotional and psychological abuse.

    Advise if you have a concern about a friend or training partner who may be suffering from abuse.

  • Our support service operates Monday–Friday from 10am–6pm. We may respond outwith those hours, case-dependent.

    Please see our ‘Additional Support and Guidance’ for further info.

  • We are a volunteer-run service so response times may vary, but we will endeavour to get back to you within 24 hours. If you need more immediate support, please call:

    Rape Crisis England & Wales: 0808 500 2222

    Rape Crisis Scotland: 08088 01 03 02

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